Internet Auction March 2024 - 343

Bids to be received by Tuesday 26th of March 2024 10:00 AM

Lots (1240)

Lot 1

Aden to Austria - all periods mint and used collection in well filled springback album, very mixed includes country sections for Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua, Argentina, Australia incl GV Roos to 5s, with dozens of defins and commems, Austria defins and commems etc, large qty mostly all different (c3040).

Estimate £ 80.00
Lot 2

BALANCE of mainly modern unmounted mint accumulation arranged in glassine bags by SG numbers and cat values, many sets, miniature sheets, countries include Mozambique, Laos 1951 Miniature sheets SG 1-12 (STC £97), Namibia, Afghanistan, Philippines, Singapore, Austria incl earlier used, UAE, Guinea, Jordan, Liberia, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Burundi, Lesotho, Belgian Congo, Congo, Ghana, Oman, Botswana, Zaire, Cyrenaica (STC £134), Haiti, Neth. Indies earlier etc, high cat value.

Estimate £ 250.00
Lot 3

BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG: Duplicated collection in a large stockbook of approx. 1550 stamps & 25 M/S mint & unmounted mint and fine used, noted 1849 10c brown, 20c blue (6), 1851-61 1c green (2), 10c brown (9), 20c blue (11), 40c red (4), 1952 13th UPU set 12 mint (heavy hinged, cat £375), to 20f f.u., 1949 Stamp Cent. 50f air f.u., nice range of defins and commems, Luxembourg incl Caritas sets, 1951 Promote Europe set used (Cat £160), 1957 Europa set f.u., etc. Approx 1550.

Estimate £ 250.00
Lot 4

British Africa Accumulation in three part stockbooks and a folder early to modern includes good ranges of Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland Field Force 1916 set mint, Rhodesia incl 1890s defins, Victoria falls set used plus fiscally used to 5s, Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-6 to £1 f.u. (3, one on cover), 1959-62 set to £1 on illus FDC, postmarks on stockpages etc, 100s.

Estimate £ 400.00
Lot 5

British Commonwealth errors and varieties group of stockcards with modern varieties on original purchase cards includes Anguilla 1967 3c used with wmk inverted var, 1982 Commonwealth Games ovpt without S variety (3), Nauru 1973 Birds imperf blk of 4 or pairs (11 items), Jamaica grossly misplaced colour, Montserrat double OHMS ovpts (3), useful and interesting group.

Estimate £ 275.00
Lot 6

British Commonwealth King George Sixth printed album in red with a mint rather sparse collection with a few higher values incl HK to $1, Solomon Is. to 10s etc, few 100, ideal for expansion.

Estimate £ 300.00
Lot 7

British Commonwealth: Maritime cancels on stamps QV to QEII on leaves with more interesting noted incl S. Leone 2½d with Liverpool Packet CDS plus QV-EDVII with Paquebot CDS's, St Vincent with Southampton Ship Letter CDS (2), Dominica Posted on Board boxed h/s, Barbados with M/S Colombia, plus 6d Seahorse with Deutsches CDS, 1925 1d seahorse with New York Paquebot, Niger Coast QV 1d (2) with Paquebot CDS, Marseilles cancels on Seychelles, Tanganyika, Paquebot on Malayan states, Macau on HK 10c blue, Loose Ship Letter Papua, Packet on NZ, Hong Kong CDS on India on paper, Tenyo on HK, Tayo on HK, etc, intr lot. (126).

Estimate £ 250.00
Lot 8

British Commonwealth: Three stockbooks including better catalogue value with duplicated sets from Canada incl 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint (19, cat £40 each), used sets (7), 1937-38 set mint (Cat £180), coil stamps mint, 1942 War Effort set plus coils, Br. Antarctic Terr. 1963-69 Long set of 16 hinged mint, fine, SG 1/15a. Cat £250 (7 sets cat £1750), 1971 Decimal Currency set of 14 surcharges unmounted mint, SG 24/37. (4 sets), scattering of New Guinea with vals to 2s m & u, OS officials to 1s mint etc, huge cat value.

Estimate £ 750.00
Lot 9

British Commonwealth useful mint and used collection for EDVII to GVI periods for countries Jamaica to Nyasaland, many better pickings and sets noted Jamaica 1919 to 2s, KUT GV to 3s used, GVI to 3s mint, to £1 used, Leeward Is QV vals to 7d, surch set 3 mint, GV to 5s mint, Malta 1938 set mint, set used, Mauritius GV 5r mint, 1938 to 10r f.u., Montserrat QV onwards, 1938 good range to £1 mint incl diff printings, New Guinea 1932 Airmail set to £1 used (10s has postmark fault, Cat £275), Nyasaland 1938 keyplates 5s (2) & £1 mint, etc, very useful collection STC £3700+. Approx 490.

Estimate £ 1200.00
Lot 10

British Commonwealth useful mint and used collection for EDVII to GVI periods for countries St Kitts to S. Rhodesia, many better pickings and sets noted St Lucia 1891-98 to 5s mint, 1912 5s mint, 1936 set of 12 mint (Cat £110), 10s f.u. (Cat £100), 1938 set to 10s mint, Samoa, Seychelles QV onwards S. Leone 1938 set to £1 mint (Cat £150), set used (Cat £80), etc, very useful collection STC £2800+. Approx 250+.

Estimate £ 800.00
Lot 11

EUROPA - Useful unmounted mint collection with all the key sets including Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Spanish Andorra etc neatly laid out in a stockbook by year, 100s.

Estimate £ 160.00
Lot 12

FRANCE AND CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS - An enormous accumulation of loose mainly from 1950s to 1980s with dozens of attractive French FDCs with special cancels or engraved illustrated envelopes FDI, Canada defins and commems for similar periods mainstream but mainly all different, many, many 100s, possible a 1000+, great for resale - cheap at estimate.

Estimate £ 150.00

Lots (1240)