Bids to be received by Wednesday 29th of November 2023 6:00 PM
British Commonwealth QV onwards on a small group of stockcards as purchased from different auctions better throughout including Hong Kong 1863 96c brownish-grey neatly used B62 cancel (Cat £75), Ascension 1938 5s & 10s mint (Cat £85), Cyprus 1904 45pi mint (Cat £130), Mauritius 1902 1r used (Cat £65), 2r50 green and black on blue mint (Cat £45), GVI to 10r mint, Br. Solomon Is. P.Due 1940 set mint (Cat £95), Ireland 1922 10s blue seahorse mint (SG 21 cat £200), Malta QV A25 cancels on GB 6d buff, Gibraltar QV A26 on 6s lilac or violet, C58 Cuba cancel on GB 4d vermilion pl. 11, Cook Is. 1936 2s & 3s used (Cat £115), Ceylon 1941 3c mint (Cat £150), Leeward Is. 1912-22 5s mint, Antigua P.12½ 1d lake mint (Cat £200), Fiji 1881 1s brown mint, etc. High cat value.